Ping Art: Ping Teo's Art Journal

Ping Teo has been teaching herself art after her A-Levels in Art and Design. This is her art journal where she records all her forays into drawing, inking, colouring and other forms of art and illustration and turns them into tutorials geared towards comics and graphic illustration.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Quick Blurb: The Jaded Summer Afternoon Stories

Today I'm working on a page of The Jaded. "Summer Afternoon Stories" is a run of short stories I'm planning on having in-between chapter instead of "Outtakes". I'm also using this opportunity to try out some experimental stuff.

I'm drawing a page where Lysanne and Doc Ice are tramping around in the Lanner Place shrubbery looking for Lysanne's lost shoe. Why the shoe is lost I won't get into, but what's important is when they find the shoe they also find a chewed-up CD case.

First, the preliminary scribbles:

Then it's redrawing over the lines on a different layer:

And then we add colours. I'm using the experimental washy-white colouring style to get a sketchy look for the comic. Ironically it takes me more time in the normal method I use for colouring, but such is experimentation.

I think the hard thing about not using heavy colour is having to restrict my use of the colours. I'm using the colours as the shadows, and by deafult everything else is white. It's like colours, you try to work with less and let the viewer's brain fill in the gap. Tricky. Full colour is so much more easier.

And that's it for today.


  • At August 19, 2005 2:11 AM, Blogger Moshunter said…

    Nice one, though i would think there be more shadows cast by the strong afternoon light. And, only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun eh? heheheh.


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